
With active international collaboration, we intend to be the premier destination for top talent.
we focus on leadership, communication and good citizenship skills

Application forms for admissions are available from now till June 2023. During this academic year we are moving to a new location. Apart from new and better infrastructure, our curriculum is being overhauled to better prepare students for a successful future.

Meet our new Management

Mrs. Sabitha Patel and Dr. Shekhar Patel have partnered with the school’s educational society to bring their passion for education to Seoni. Having lived in United States of America for the last 20 years, they wish to connect Seoni students with the outside world. They believe that by getting international exposure, students will be able to better anticipate the type of skill set they will need to prepare for their future.

The most effective education is the one that prepares students for the future

We are introducing new transport facilities for helping accommodate students who come from rural communities, which are not easily accessible by public transport. Please let the administration at the school know if you need a pickup.

Our Mission and Ideals

We want Cambridge Public School to be a place where students, teachers and parents learn from one another. Students collab­o­rate to problem solve, discuss, and make connec­tions. Our teach­ers know students on a personal level, with a keen under­stand­ing of cogni­tive and social-emotional needs. Student-teacher conver­sa­tions are open, chal­leng­ing, and playful. We expect our teach­ers to model intel­lec­tual curios­ity and the highest integrity.

“G5 – Skill of Execution”

Sangam Power brings together complementary forces of Education, Execution and Excellence – the three most valuable life skills. With these skills our students will become powerful, productive and successful. We fully expect our students to lead our society towards making our Nation more civil, secure and prosperous. This goal is in line with the new National Education Policy of promoting Atmanirbharta.

Become a student at our school!

Students get exposure to top coaches from across the country and globe. Join us now!